Apr 6 – May 25
- NO Public Swim access during lessons
- Classes will be cancelled 1 week prior to the course start date if the minimum requirement is not met
- When you arrive for swimming lessons, go straight to the changeroom (no need to stop at Guest Services) and get changed. Meet your swim instructor on the pool deck, next to your swimming level sign
- There is no public swim during swimming lesson times. Please check the current schedule for available public swim times.
- A program will be cancelled or combined due to low registration 1 week prior to the program’s start date. For full details on cancellation policies
- While the City of Leduc strives to ensure each eligible individual’s participation in all registered and drop-in recreation opportunities, it reserves the right for our staff to assess and evaluate an individual’s participation in regards to a shared, positive and safe experience for all participants.
Adult Swimmer 1
18 - 99
6:15 PM
7:00 PM
Main Pool
Sun, Apr-06
Sun, May-25
From Thu, Mar-06 10:00 AM
Until Sun, Mar-30 5:00 PM