Course: 17611 - Animal Evolution

Information: - Clean indoor shoes, swim suit, bagged nut free lunch, water bottle and weather appropriate clothing are required. - Don't forget your swimming gear on Tuesday & Thursday. - A program will be cancelled or combined due to low registration 1 week prior to the program’s start date. For full details on cancellation policies - While the City of Leduc strives to ensure each eligible individual’s participation in all registered and drop-in recreation opportunities, it reserves the right for our staff to assess and evaluate an individual’s participation in regards to a shared, positive and safe experience for all participants.
School Break Day Camps (Ages 6-7* & 8-11)
8 - 11
Day Start End Location
Tuesday 8:30 AM 4:00 PM MNP Room
Tue, Apr-01
Tue, Apr-01
From Thu, Dec-12 10:00 AM - Until Tue, Mar-25 7:00 AM
Until Tue, Dec-1010:00 AM
Price Group Price
Public $52.55

Book Course

Class Start Class End Location
Tue, Apr-01 8:30 AM Tue, Apr-01 4:00 PM MNP Room