Home Services

Drop-In Schedules

There are dozens of ways to get active and have fun with your friends and family at the Leduc Recreation Centre. Check out all the drop in Leisure opportunities offered each day. They are included with your LRC membership or paid admission.

Find your happy and do your thing!

Aquatic Centre | RE/MAX Fitness Centre and Indoor Track | Leduc County and Leduc Co-op Fieldhouses and Courts | Chemco, Wilhauk Beef Jerky & Aspen Custom Trailers Arena’s

Aquatic Programs

Explore what the City of Leduc has to offer when it comes to aquatics. Programs offered include Lifesaving Society swim lessons for all ages, teen swim basics and swim evaluations. Plus specialty registered programs and aquatics leadership certification courses.

Fitness & Wellness Programs

Check out what the City of Leduc has to offer for registered fitness & wellness programs. Classes offered range from full-spectrum fitness to cycling and barre plus a variety of workshops featuring yoga and kettle bells.

Recreation Programs

Discover what the City of Leduc has to offer for quality registered recreational programming for children, youth and adults, there is something for every member of the family. Classes offered cover a wide array of themes, events and special programs. They range from arts & crafts to multi-sport and educational programs. Our commitment is to ensure all participants have a safe, educational and enjoyable program experience.

Facility Booking

The City of Leduc has a variety of amenities to meet your sport, cultural, business and personal needs. To host special events from outdoor venues for intimate weddings to premiere facilities to host sport tournaments or trade shows.

If you’re looking to plan an event, search availability, find an open time and contact the Events and Bookings team at events_bookings@leduc.ca or call 780-980-7118 to discuss options and to begin exploring the possibilities!


With flexible, no-risk memberships suited to your needs, there’s something for everyone.

The Leduc Recreation Centre is safe, clean and friendly – it is your place, your community. Let’s get active together. 

Relieve stress and feel great, boost your mood, get connected, escape the day to day, experience and try a new activity. We offer group fitness, AquaFit and Leisure Drop-in Opportunities.

Arenas| Courts | Fieldhouse | Aquatic Centre | Indoor Playground | Fitness Centre | Indoor Track


Create New Account

Are you looking to create a new Live.Leduc.ca account or need to add new family members to your account to ensure everyone is set up properly for registration? Please Call Guest Services 780-980-7120.